Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring Break

The last few days have been busy and tiring. My son and his wife came to visit for spring break, and we had a wonderful time. I helped her learn to knit, and he played the cello. We talked about vampires--she's taking a class on vampire literature--and watched a movie of The Raven that they had worked on last semester for one of her classes. So nice!

The last few days we worked on a project to move a lot of crushed rock in the back yard to clear space for a vegetable garden. And not only did we move the pebbly rock from the space for the garden, but we cleared a space that had been filled with larger pointy rocks to move the pebbly rock into. Twice the work--but we won't have to walk on the pointy stuff now. And a large area of the back yard is cleared, waiting for planter boxes to be set up. Hooray! I set up one 4x4 box, carefully spaced 2 feet from each wall in the corner of the yard, filled it with dirt, and planted a few peas. Then I came inside and realized I had planned to plant something along the side wall and I hadn't left space! It remains to be seen whether I'll leave the box as is or move it. I'm far too tired to make such a decision today.

I went to the library this afternoon and looked through their knitting books selection. I found one called Vampire Knits! Checked it out so I could tell my daughter-in-law about it. Some of the patterns look nice, others silly. Fun stuff!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Red Yuccas

Yesterday on Freecycle I found a posting for some red yucca starts. When I first came to New Mexico I noticed these lovely plants, smaller and more graceful than their traditional cousins. So I responded, and today I came home with four of these lovelies, now settling in in my front yard. One replaced a bush that had died. Others filled in bare spaces. I'm very excited and happy to have them!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Communication is tricky! This cartoon reminds me of a class I took last year, where we spent an awful lot of time figuring out what was in the shared mental space of participants in a conversation.